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Lawler ’15 Campaign

The Need

Mrs. Lawler, has been pursuing a seat in the House of Delegates locally in Virginia and sought to create an identity for herself.  Not just bringing an open mind to the candidacy as one could expect from someone perhaps noted to be “younger,” Mrs. Lawler also has her convictions – and they are unique while diverse in thought.  While Mrs. Lawler has her mind for typical debates in social reform, gun control, and other issues, she puts agriculture and environmental topics in her basket.

The Experience

A unique mark for a unique candidacy, Mrs. Lawler went right to work in drafting an identity for herself that reflected her own life’s passions.  With the exception of a year mark that may help a viewer presume a political campaign, Erica incorporates wildlife into her mark to show a focus that breaks the stars-and-spangles mold and creates conversation.

Design principles

A playful, asymmetrical owl to reflect a primary initiative

Hunter green and two shades of ivory give the impression of real application to local issues, with fewer political implications

Bold, yet uncompromising.  Symmetry is passed off for something organic